Tuesday 13 November 2018

5 Reasons why you need a Criminal Lawyer in Melbourne

Every day people across Victoria are charged with criminal offences they may or may not have committed and are ordered to appear before court. Charges can vary from petty theft, traffic offences to assault. Regardless of the scale of the crime and your innocence, it’s always best to hire a lawyer. Being accused of breaking the law is a serious matter which can lead to life-altering consequences if you are convicted. Here’s 5 reasons why you should seek professional legal representation:

1)    Understanding the Charges
Criminal charges are more complex than you think. If you’re facing criminal charges, you need to understand the severity of the situation, exactly how it will affect you and how to contest the charges. Criminal lawyers have extensive knowledge and can explain in full detail what charges the police or prosecution alleges you have done.

2)    Professional Advice
You will need to answer for the criminal charges you are being accused of, therefore you will need sound advice on what to do. It is best to be prepared with a top lawyer so that you do not worsen your chances of being convicted by saying or doing anything that could affect your case. Receiving professional and experienced advice will help you achieve the best possible outcome. Ultimately you have a choice on whether to plead guilty or not guilty for the charges. A criminal lawyer is obliged to respect your decision but can also advise you on your options and detail the best case scenario you face for each plea.

3)    Support for Police Interviews
It can be nerve wrecking being accused of a crime. Having a lawyer present not only offers support but comfort during critical times during your case. It’s sensible to have a lawyer present as you are requested to participate in a police interview, especially if you’re unsure of what to say and how to interact with police. Lawyers will be able to explain your rights during the situation. Often, the initial police interview is crucial to your case.
4)    Accessing & Presenting Evidence Correctly
When you face criminal charges, the police or prosecution will gather evidence against you. A criminal lawyer can access this information which might include witness statements or photographs and analyse it for you to help defend your case. Obtaining and communicating evidence can also be extremely complicated in a criminal trial. A criminal lawyer knows the rules of evidence which come into play in the court room. These rules determine what evidence must or must not be considered in reaching a verdict. 
5)    Strategising & Preparing Your Case
Whether you decide to fight the case and plead not-guilty or accept the charges, you will still be required to appear in court. However, there are some circumstances where a criminal lawyer can appear in court without you. Having a lawyer saves you a lot of time and stress by preparing your case for you.They can not only speak on your behalf but they can strategically put together all the material necessary to support your case such as finding key witnesses, preparing you for the stand and obtaining character witnesses for you.